Friday, March 16, 2007

Bad people prosper and good people suffer! Unfair!

Q: Why do 'bad' people prosper and 'good' people suffer?
A: If it seems that the bad do not suffer, that is a mere illusion. They have their own share of suffering. In this world or the next. They dont 'get away with it'. Just because you see them being rich doesnt mean they do not suffer, have not suffered, or will not suffered.Proverbs 24:19-20 says, "Do not be troubled because of evil-doers, or have envy of sinners. For there will be no future for the evil man; the light of sinners will be put out." In contrast, we know that God has a good plan for us prepared in future. Why worry about other people when we can instead put that energy into dealing with our own lives and living out God's plan for our lives?

Q: It's not fair that I'm good but I suffer.
A: Just what makes us think we're better or 'good'? No matter how good we are, we would have sinned before. Whether it's 0.01% sin or 99.99% sin, it's still sin.
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God".(Take note: the definition of sin is not doing something wrong. It's falling short of God's glory. So, can we say we havent sinned? I think not.) So since we're all sinners and since we all suffer, what's so unfair about it? Since we have already sinned, it's not for us to argue what degree of sin and what degree of suffering is fair. It's pretty lame for a criminal to argue with the judge that the sentence he's getting is not fair "because some other guy there did worse than me and he's not in jail".

What's the point of asking for less suffering by comparing ourselves to others? Comparison always lead to the argument that God didnt give us what we deserve. But, do we really want to get what we deserve? If God counted and calculated every single wrong everyone did, we deserve eternal death. But He forgave us this! Shouldn't we be grateful?
Suffering may be something we didnt deserve, but Grace is something we dont deserve either! We dont complain when we get grace we dont deserve... so we shouldnt complain when we get suffering we dont deserve.... it's a fair trade off! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.