Saturday, April 14, 2007

Be That Girl 07

Here are some really late photos from an event we attended way back on March 28.

"Be That Girl" was a unique girl-only event which aimed to teach girls the confidence, healthy self-respect and image-enhancement skills found in the security that comes from Christ.
Dancers from LIFE took part in this event, showcasing their God-given talents. Here they are praying before the event.
Some last minute practicing...And it was their turn to appear on stage... All the praying and practising finally paid off.The audience was suitably impressed. Besides dances, there was also a fashion show... quite cool
Some of our friends in Grace Klang were featured in the show, including the irrepressable Sam Oh.Here's the final lineup of all the models.And here are the Grace Klang models with our very own LIFE dancers.
Aubry and Sidney posing with Amelia, one of the organisers of the event. She was also the organiser for Starmaker, check our archives to find out what that song-writing competition/musical was all about.
We dance for joy because our Life is in Jesus!

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