Wednesday, May 16, 2007

...running low on faith and gasoline

When your car runs out of gasoline, do you pour water in the tank and continue to drive? Of course not. You would certainly stop at the nearest petrol station. Even if you're running low on cash, you would pump some gas. Cause you know you can't drive without gas in your tank.

Neither can we continue living our life as a Christian without connecting with God. Life without prayer is as dry as a car without gas. You're driving, but you feel no power. You know you wont get far. Before we feel the jerk of an empty tank, we need to stop in our tracks, reconnect with God, and fill up on the petrol of prayer. Even if we have precious little time to spare, a short few honest words spoken in your heart is all that's needed.

We need God's petrol if we want to rev up our lives!

-inspired by Carrie Underwood's hit song "Jesus take the wheel"

1 comment:

***::Sharlicious ::*** said...

Yeah i agree! Last wednesday was awesome. God just filled us with His anointing and we were so refreshed! Now, we are moving with in new faith and new strength. Nobody can give us such power if not God. I encourage who ever reads this...remember only God is the source to everything even in ur needs and problems. God speed!

Inspired by: ***::Sharlicious::***